Interface at 7

May 15, 2019

Interface was established for 7 years in April and – as in most years – we saw the birthday as an excellent excuse to celebrate and take some time to look back at our many successes since Interface began.

Before Uber, the iPad Pro and even the selfie stick, Interface had big ambitions to prove itself to be a consultancy that was dedicated to exemplary facade design that delivered value to our clients, whilst achieving the architectural intent.

Interface’s not-so-humble beginnings applied this motto, added an experienced team, and delivered the 13-storey prism-like structure that is 62 Buckingham Gate. Working with excellent clients and maintaining relationships with talented architects, project managers and engineers kept the ambition alive, and led on to many other success stories, including the complex fin design of 1 New Street Square, the bespoke faience to Hanover Square, the unitised system of the Dumont and many more.

Since, Interface have been involved in landmark buildings throughout the UK and more recently in Russia and other areas within Europe. Some of these are here on the website, others, sadly, are subject to privacy requirements and so the achievements cannot be shared.

Maybe we lack the growth curve of Uber and we mostly agreed that we hoped the selfie stick is on the wane, but we have definitely embraced the iPad Pro! We finished our celebrations by toasting to the future and our continued dedication to outstanding facade design.